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The Madhatter bespoke subscription service is the perfect gift for all booklovers or you can treat yourself.

After completing a brief questionnaire your personal bibliotherapist will hand select a book and post it to you beautifully wrapped at the beginning of each month.


There is a choice of 3, 6 or 12 month subscription, you can choose between paper backs or hard backs.


To set up your subscription, choose from the following options and we will send out a voucher.  Our voucher invites the recipient to get in touch with us and complete our questionnaire.


Paperback / 3 month / UK  £50

Paperback / 6 month / UK £95

Paperback / 12 Month / UK £180


Paperback / 3 month  / Europe £60

Paperback / 6 month / Europe £110

Paperback / 12 Month / Europe £200


Paperback / 3 month / World Wide £65

Paperback / 6 month / Worldwide £120

Paperback / 12 Month / Worldwide £215


Hardback / 3 month / UK £70

Hardback / 6 month / UK £135

Hardback / 12 Month / UK £250


Hardback / 3 month  / Europe £85

Hardback / 6 month / Europe £160

Hardback / 12 Month / Europe £320


Hardback / 3 month / World Wide £100

Hardback / 6 month / Worldwide £195

Hardback / 12 Month / Worldwide £370

Madhatter Reading Subscription

  • Postage & Packing is included.

Gift Wrap

Gift Wrap

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