Hello booklovers, I wish you a warm, peaceful and prosperous 2023.
January brings early nights and a time to work your way through the stack of books on your bedside table.
After a few pages each day I finally finished the sublime diaries of Alan Rickman - simply did not want it to end! My partner and I are also working our way through Sleepily Ever After, the perfect pocket collection of bedtime stories for grown ups, it is my absolute joy to both read and be read to. (Pssst... if you are looking for a gift for your Valentine this is my hearty recommendation)
There are also a few favourites that I return to each Winter in the same way I like to read Ghost stories by Dickens in December. These include Autumn Journal by Louis MacNeice, A Festival of Insignificance by Milan Kundera and more recently Space Invaders by Nona Fernandez
Now my bedside table is filling up with proofs of books to come in 2023 including the much anticipated, George, A Magpie Memoir by Frieda Hughes, I defy you not to fall in love; Becky by Sarah May, a gloriously riotous romp through tabloid 90's - think Succession meets Vanity Fair and A Complicated Matter by Anne Youngson, a Madhatter friend and favourite, a book we have the pleasure of launching on Friday 24th March - watch this space for info and tickets.
SAVE THE DATE... so far
5th February - Snowdrop Sunday at The Priory
18th March - Eco-Fair, Burford
24th March - Book Launch with Anne Youngson
27th May - PRIDE, Witney
22nd - 24th - Burford Lit Fest (subscribe at www.burfordlitfest.co.uk)
More details of all our events will be released here.
and Finally
Last week you may have noticed we were closed for a few days, this allowed me some time and space to consider how best to take the bookshop forward in 2023 (and time to sit on my sofa and eat the last of the festive treats). We have also given the Madhatter floors a sweep and her shelves a dust as well as added some new shelves for MUSIC, TRAVEL, NATURE and our favourite CLASSICS - we also added some glitter to our floor! Our Winter opening hours are 11-3 we will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday.
We look forward to seeing you all soon pop in and say hello, bring in your coffee and immerse yourself in shelf-medication!
Kim and the Madhatter Team